Dams are designed across rivers to keep water for irrigation, hydroelectric energy generation and flooding control. The dams created to offer more than one purpose are known as "multi-purpose dams". These dams were known as the "temples of modern-day Asia" by the country's very first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.
- Dams are built to regulate flood and store flooding water
- Sometimes dams are used for diverting part or all of the liquid from river into a channel.
- Dams are employed primarily for drinking and farming reasons.
- Dams are designed for generating electrical energy
- Dams can be used for leisure functions
- Navigation and fishery could be created inside dam areas
PROBLEMS OF DAMS Dams may face dilemmas upstream or downstream as given just below:
Upstream problems
- Displacement of tribal men and women
- Reduced non-forest land
- Losing woodlands, flora and fauna
- Landslides, sedimentation and siltation occurs
- stagnation and waterlogging around reservoirs retards plant development
- Breeding of vectors and vector-borne conditions
- Reservoir Induced Seismicity (RIS) triggers earthquakes
- Navigation and aquaculture activities is developed inside dam area
Source: mjcetenvsci.blogspot.com